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This is True®

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by Randy Cassingham

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Stories from My Archives ©1994-2024

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Palm Beach County (Fla.) Sheriff Deputy Sherri Johnson was driving an unmarked patrol car in plain clothes when a man in an SUV tried to pull her over. She was also being followed by another deputy, who asked the SUV driver if he was a police officer. “Yes, I’m a cop. Pull over,” he allegedly responded. They all did, but the driver was no cop: he had a vulgar “Inspector 69” badge — and a real gun. John W. Lookebill, 52, was arrested on charges of impersonating a police officer. “My husband is a very good man. He helps a lot of people,” offered Lookebill’s wife, Sandra. “I do know that my husband didn’t do that.” (Stuart News) ...Why, because he never makes vulgar advances on her?
Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 10

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